Contact Us

Technical Questions

For technical questions on Expedited (USPS), UPS, and FedEx, please contact Client Support at or call +1-844-470-6626.

For technical questions on Pitney Bowes Delivery and Returns and Cross-Border Delivery Services, please contact Support at

If you have questions about other Pitney Bowes products, please visit Pitney Bowes Support.

Provide the following information, as applicable:

  • Business name

  • Detailed description of your question or issue

  • Exact text of any error messages

  • The request and response, including headers

  • Any log-based metrics, such as timestamps for requests and responses

  • Any affected transaction IDs

  • Any additional information

PB Expedited Postage Account Questions

For questions on PB Expedited postage accounts, contact or call +1 855 393-8874. Provide the following information:

  • Detailed description of the question or issue.

  • Account number, if applicable.

Sales Questions

For questions on sales, please contact

Submit Questions through Client Connect

You can submit questions through Client Connect if you have a Client Connect account. Client Connect provides access to support, account information, and other services. For more information about Client Connect, contact your Pitney Bowes implementation team. See also the Client Connect User Guide.