Rate a Parcel

HTTP Request

POST /v1/rates


Use this operation to rate a parcel before you print a shipment label.


This API does not validate addresses.


  1. You can rate parcels for the following labels:

  2. This API does not validate addresses.

  3. The rates array takes one Rates object in the request and returns one or more Rates objects in the response. Each object in the response shows a different rating option.


    You can pass only one Rates object in the request body.

  4. To rate a parcel for a single service, include the rates.serviceId field in the request. The response will return a single Rates object.

  5. To rate a parcel for multiple services for a given parcel type, omit the rates.serviceId field from the request body. The response will contain a separate Rates object for each service rated.

  6. PB Expedited only: To rate a parcel for multiple services and parcel types at once, omit both the rates.serviceId and rates.parcelType fields in the request. The response will contain a separate Rates object for each combination of service and parcel type rated.

Request URLs

Sandbox: https://shipping-api-sandbox.pitneybowes.com/shippingservices/v1/rates
Production: https://shipping-api.pitneybowes.com/shippingservices/v1/rates

Query Parameter

The query parameter is optional.




When set to true, returns estimated transit time. Transit time is returned as number of days.

Valid values:

  • true

  • false


CBDS only. Required for CBDS. Set this to PBI.

Request Headers




Required. OAuth Token generated using the Generate an OAuth Token API.


Required. The media type of the request entity. Set this to application/json.


Shipper rate plan, if applicable. For more information, see this FAQ.


Negotiated services rate, if applicable.


The unique identifier for the carrier account. To retrieve the identifier, see this FAQ.

Required if the merchant has registered multiple accounts for the same carrier. For more information, see Add Commercial Carrier Accounts.


Recommended. Set this to true to use the standard error object if an error occurs.

Request Elements


Please see the Considerations above before issuing this API call.

Required fields are marked Required. All other fields are optional.


Data Type




Return Labels Only. For return labels this field is required. Set this to RETURN.


Address Object

Required. The origin address. The following carriers require the following fields:



PB Expedited

  • postalCode

  • countryCode


  • name

  • postalCode

  • countryCode


  • name

  • addressLines

  • cityTown

  • stateProvince

  • countryCode


Address Object

Required. The destination address. The following carriers require the following fields:



PB Expedited

  • postalCode

  • countryCode


  • name

  • postalCode

  • countryCode


  • name

  • addressLines

  • cityTown

  • stateProvince

  • countryCode


Parcel Object

Required. The parcel’s weight and dimensions.


Array[Rates Object]

Required. Specifies the carrier, service, and parcel type. The array takes only one rates object.
For available services and parcel types for your carrier, see the carrier reference pages.

Required. DELIVERY_SOLUTION: Enter the value for the shipment’s delivery solution as specified in the Delivery Solutions table above.

The following carriers have the following requirements:



PB Expedited

The APIs require that all parcels be trackable. If you are rating a service that is not trackable, such as Priority Mail (PM), add at least one trackable special service, such as Delivery Confirmation (DelCon). DelCon is a no-charge service that triggers tracking but does not increase cost. Before adding a special service, check its compatibility.



Required. Each object in this array defines a shipment option. Each object takes the following two fields, which take string values: - name: The shipment option. - value: The option’s value.

The SHIPPER_ID shipment option is required. Set this to the merchant’s Shipper ID. The following carriers require the following additional options in the following cases:

  • Required. DELIVERY_SOLUTION: Enter the value for the shipment’s delivery solution as specified in the Delivery Solutions table above.

  • CBDS requires the SELLER_ID option if the shipper is a marketplace shipper who uses the same SHIPPER_ID for all sellers. Pass the ID the marketplace shipper has assigned to the seller.



For shipments that use customs forms, this object contains customs information. For required elements, see your carrier’s Create Shipment page.

Response Elements


Data Type




Return Labels Only. This returns the following: RETURN


Address Object

The origin address.


Address Object

The destination address.


Parcel Object

The parcel’s weight and dimensions.


Array[Rates Object]

The carrier, service, parcel type, and service charges.



Each object in this array takes a name field and value field that define a shipment option. Note that in some cases, the API does not return the shipmentOptions array, even though the array was required in the request.



For shipments that use customs forms, this object contains customs information.

Sample Requests

See the following examples:

PB Expedited Sample Request

PB Expedited Sample Rate Request
curl -X POST ".../v1/rates?includeDeliveryCommitment=true" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <oauth_token>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-PB-UnifiedErrorStructure: true" \
-d '
    "fromAddress": {
        "postalCode": "06484",
        "countryCode": "US"
    "toAddress": {
        "postalCode": "28607",
        "countryCode": "US"
    "parcel": {
        "weight": {
            "unitOfMeasurement": "OZ",
            "weight": 1
        "dimension": {
            "unitOfMeasurement": "IN",
            "length": 6,
            "width": 2,
            "height": 4
    "rates": [ {
        "carrier": "USPS",
        "parcelType": "PKG",
        "specialServices": [ {
            "specialServiceId": "Ins",
            "inputParameters": [ {
                "name": "INPUT_VALUE",
                "value": "50"
            } ]
        } ]
    } ],
    "shipmentOptions": [ {
        "name": "SHIPPER_ID",
        "value": "9024324564"
    } ]
PB Expedited Sample Rate Response
    "fromAddress": {
        "addressLines": [],
        "postalCode": "06484",
        "countryCode": "US"
    "toAddress": {
        "addressLines": [],
        "postalCode": "28607",
        "countryCode": "US"
    "parcel": {
        "weight": {
            "unitOfMeasurement": "OZ",
            "weight": 1.0
        "dimension": {
            "length": 6.0,
            "width": 2.0,
            "height": 4.0,
            "unitOfMeasurement": "IN"
    "rates": [ {
        "carrier": "usps",
        "parcelType": "PKG",
        "specialServices": [ {
            "fee": 2.45,
            "inputParameters": [ {
                "name": "INPUT_VALUE",
                "value": "50"
            } ],
            "specialServiceId": "Ins"
        } ],
        "deliveryCommitment": {
            "additionalDetails": "By end of Day",
            "estimatedDeliveryDateTime": "2021-11-22",
            "guarantee": "NONE",
            "maxEstimatedNumberOfDays": "3",
            "minEstimatedNumberOfDays": "3"
        "serviceId": "FCM",
        "baseCharge": 3.36,
        "destinationZone": "4",
        "rateTypeId": "COMMERCIAL_BASE",
        "totalCarrierCharge": 5.81

CBDS International Outbound Sample Request

CBDS International Outbound Sample Rate Request
curl -X POST ".../v1/rates?includeDeliveryCommitment=true&carrier=PBI" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <oauth_token>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-PB-UnifiedErrorStructure: true" \
-d '
    "fromAddress": { ... },
    "toAddress": { ... },
    "parcel": {
        "dimension": {
            "unitOfMeasurement": "IN",
            "length": "12",
            "width": "5",
            "height": "10"
        "weight": {
            "unitOfMeasurement": "OZ",
            "weight": 80
    "rates": [ {
        "carrier": "PBI",
        "serviceId": "PBXPS",
        "parcelType": "PKG"
    } ],
    "shipmentOptions": [ {
        "name": "SHIPPER_ID",
        "value": "9024324564"
    } ],
    "customs": {
        "customsInfo": {
            "currencyCode": "USD"
        "customsItems": [ {
            "description": "dress",
            "itemId": "B004LB5FB9",
            "quantity": 2,
            "unitPrice": 25,
            "url": "www.example.com/dress/a"
            "description": "dress",
            "itemId": "B004LB5FB4",
            "quantity": 2,
            "unitPrice": 35,
            "url": "www.example.com/dress/b"
        } ]
CBDS International Outbound Sample Rate Response
    "fromAddress": { ... },
    "toAddress": { ... },
    "parcel": {
        "dimension": {
            "length": 12,
            "height": 10,
            "width": 5,
            "unitOfMeasurement": "IN"
        "weight": {
            "weight": 80,
            "unitOfMeasurement": "OZ"
        "valueOfGoods": 120.00
    "rates": [ {
        "carrier": "PBI",
        "serviceId": "PBXPS",
        "parcelType": "PKG",
        "baseCharge": 52.25,
        "totalCarrierCharge": 69.05,
        "deliveryCommitment": {
            "minEstimatedNumberOfDays": "6",
            "maxEstimatedNumberOfDays": "9"
        "currencyCode": "USD",
        "totalTaxAmount": 16.80
    } ],
    "shipmentOptions": [ {
        "name": "SHIPPER_ID",
        "value": "9024324564"
    } ],
    "customs": {
        "customsInfo": {
            "currencyCode": "USD"
        "customsItems": [ {
            "itemId": "B004LB5FB9",
            "description": "dress",
            "quantity": 2,
            "unitPrice": 25.00,
            "url": "www.example.com/dress/a"
        }, {
            "itemId": "B004LB5FB4",
            "description": "dress",
            "quantity": 2,
            "unitPrice": 35.00,
            "url": "www.example.com/dress/b"
        } ]

CBDS Canada Domestic Sample Request

CBDS Canada Domestic Sample Request
curl -X POST ".../v1/rates?includeDeliveryCommitment=true&carrier=PBI" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <oauth_token>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-PB-UnifiedErrorStructure: true" \
-d '
     "fromAddress": {
          "name": "Quemby Gregory",
          "phone": "242-866-7265",
          "email": "seth.eaton@hotmail.net",
          "addressLines": [
               "77 Massachusetts Ave",
               "apt 2113"
          "cityTown": "Cambridge",
          "company": "TestCompany",
          "stateProvince": "ON",
          "postalCode": "L4V 1K9",
          "countryCode": "CA"
      "toAddress": {
           "name": "Tanner Randolph",
           "phone": "606-968-4589",
           "email": "vincent.blevins@hotmail.edu",
           "addressLines": [
           "31st Ave NW"
          "cityTown": "DUNDAS",
          "stateProvince": "ON",
          "postalCode": "L9H 6Y1",
          "countryCode": "CA",
          "company": "Test Company1"
          "parcel": {
          "weight": {
          "unitOfMeasurement": "Lb",
          "weight": "66"
          "dimension": {
          "unitOfMeasurement": "in",
          "length": "5",
          "width": "2",
          "height": "3"
     "customs": {
        "customsInfo": {
          "currencyCode": "CAD"
          "customsItems": [
              "unitWeight": {
                   "unitOfMeasurement": "Lb",
              "weight": "66"
              "itemId": "item0552",
              "url": "www.example.com/dress",
              "description": "dress",
              "quantity": 1,
              "unitPrice": "400",
              "originCountryCode": "US",
              "hSTariffCode": "6302600010",
              "hSTariffCodeCountry": "US"
    "rates": [
           "carrier": "PBI",
          "serviceId": "PBDS",
          "parcelType": "PKG"
      "shipmentOptions": [
           "name": "SHIPPER_ID",
          "value": "3001852562"
         "name": "DELIVERY_SOLUTION",
          "value": "FIRSTMILE"
CBDS Canada Domestic Sample Rate Response
      "fromAddress": {
           "addressLines": [
           "77 Massachusetts Ave",
           "apt 2113"
           "cityTown": "Cambridge",
           "stateProvince": "ON",
           "postalCode": "L4V 1K9",
           "countryCode": "CA",
           "company": "TestCompany",
           "name": "Quemby Gregory",
           "phone": "242-866-7265",
           "email": "seth.eaton@hotmail.net"
       "toAddress": {
          "addressLines": [
               "31st Ave NW"
          "cityTown": "DUNDAS",
          "stateProvince": "ON",
          "postalCode": "L9H 6Y1",
          "countryCode": "CA",
          "company": "Test Company1",
          "name": "Tanner Randolph",
          "phone": "606-968-4589",
          "email": "vincent.blevins@hotmail.edu"
      "parcel": {
          "dimension": {
              "length": 5,
              "height": 3,
              "width": 2,
              "unitOfMeasurement": "in"
      "weight": {
          "weight": 66,
          "unitOfMeasurement": "Lb"
      "valueOfGoods": 400
   "rates": [
          "carrier": "PBI",
          "serviceId": "PBDS",
          "parcelType": "PKG",
          "baseCharge": 27.39,
          "totalCarrierCharge": 28.14,
          "deliveryCommitment": {
              "minEstimatedNumberOfDays": "3",
              "maxEstimatedNumberOfDays": "7"
          "currencyCode": "CAD",
          "destinationZone": 1,
          "surcharges": [
                  "name": "FUEL",
                  "fee": 0.75
    "shipmentOptions": [
              "name": "SHIPPER_ID",
              "value": "3001852562"
          "name": "DELIVERY_SOLUTION",
          "value": "FIRSTMILE"
    "customs": {
          "customsInfo": {
              "currencyCode": "CAD"
          "customsItems": [
                  "itemId": "item0552",
                  "description": "dress",
                  "quantity": 1,
                  "unitPrice": 400,
                  "url": "www.example.com/dress",
                  "unitWeight": {
                  "weight": 66,
                  "unitOfMeasurement": "Lb"
                  "originCountryCode": "US",
                  "hSTariffCode": "6302600010",
                  "hSTariffCodeCountry": "US"

FedEx Sample Request

The following request omits the serviceId field in order to rate the parcel for multiple services.

FedEx Sample Rate Request
curl -X POST ".../v1/rates?includeDeliveryCommitment=true" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <oauth_token>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept-Language: en-US"
-H "X-PB-Shipper-Carrier-AccountId: <unique_carrier_account_id>" \
-H "X-PB-UnifiedErrorStructure: true" \
-d '
    "fromAddress": { ... },
    "toAddress": { ... },
    "parcel": {
        "weight": {
            "unitOfMeasurement": "OZ",
            "weight": 8.0
    "rates": [ {
        "carrier": "FEDEX",
        "parcelType": "PKG"
    } ],
    "shipmentOptions": [ {
        "name": "SHIPPER_ID",
        "value": "9024324564"
    } ]
FedEx Sample Rate Response
    "fromAddress": { ... },
    "toAddress": { ... },
    "parcel": {
        "weight": {
            "unitOfMeasurement": "OZ",
            "weight": 8.0
    "rates": [ {
        "carrier": "fedex",
        "parcelType": "PKG",
        "specialServices": [],
        "deliveryCommitment": {
            "additionalDetails": "By 12:00 of THU",
            "estimatedDeliveryDateTime": "2020-12-19 12:00:00",
            "guarantee": "FULL"
        "serviceId": "2DA_AM",
        "baseCharge": 34.48,
        "currencyCode": "USD",
        "rateTypeId": "COMMERCIAL",
        "surcharges": [ {
            "fee": 2.85,
            "name": "DELIVERY_AREA"
            "fee": 2.8,
            "name": "FUEL"
        } ],
        "totalCarrierCharge": 40.13,
        "totalTaxAmount": 0.0
    "shipmentOptions": [ {
        "name": "SHIPPER_ID",
        "value": "9024324564"
    } ]

UPS Sample Request

The following request omits the serviceId field in order to rate the parcel for multiple services.

UPS Sample Rate Request
curl -X POST ".../v1/rates?includeDeliveryCommitment=true" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <oauth_token>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept-Language: en-US"
-H "X-PB-Shipper-Carrier-AccountId: <unique_carrier_account_id>" \
-H "X-PB-UnifiedErrorStructure: true" \
-d '
    "fromAddress": {
        "postalCode": "94105",
        "countryCode": "US"
    "toAddress": {
        "postalCode": "28607",
        "countryCode": "US"
    "parcel": {
        "weight": {
            "unitOfMeasurement": "OZ",
            "weight": 38
        "dimension": {
            "unitOfMeasurement": "IN",
            "length": 6,
            "width": 4,
            "height": 4
    "rates": [ {
        "carrier": "UPS",
        "parcelType": "PKG"
    } ],
    "shipmentOptions": [ {
        "name": "SHIPPER_ID",
        "value": "9024324564"
    } ]
UPS Sample Rate Response
    "fromAddress": {
        "addressLines": [],
        "postalCode": "94105",
        "countryCode": "US"
    "toAddress": {
        "addressLines": [],
        "postalCode": "28607",
        "countryCode": "US"
    "parcel": {
        "weight": {
            "unitOfMeasurement": "OZ",
            "weight": 38.0
        "dimension": {
            "length": 6.0,
            "width": 4.0,
            "height": 4.0,
            "unitOfMeasurement": "IN"
    "rates": [ {
        "carrier": "ups",
        "parcelType": "PKG",
        "specialServices": [],
        "deliveryCommitment": {
            "estimatedDeliveryDateTime": "2021-11-29 23:00:00",
            "guarantee": "FULL",
            "maxEstimatedNumberOfDays": "5",
            "minEstimatedNumberOfDays": "5"
        "serviceId": "GRD",
        "baseCharge": 14.03,
        "currencyCode": "USD",
        "rateTypeId": "COMMERCIAL",
        "surcharges": [ {
            "fee": 3.1,
            "name": "DELIVERY_AREA"
            "fee": 1.88,
            "name": "FUEL"
        } ],
        "totalCarrierCharge": 19.01
    "shipmentOptions": [ {
        "name": "SHIPPER_ID",
        "value": "9024324564"
    } ]

Error Codes

For a list of all error codes returned by the PB Shipping APIs, please see Error Codes.