Error Codes¶
On this page
If a request fails, the API returns an error object in the response body. The object includes an error code and human-readable error message. The object might also include additional information, such as the parameters where the error occurred. The Pitney Bowes Shipping APIs return the error codes listed here. Numeric codes are 7 digits, except as noted below.
To troubleshoot an error, click the SOLUTION link if available. See also the Troubleshooting page and the Pitney Bowes API Status Page. If you receive an error that is not listed here, please contact Client Support at or +1(844) 470-6626.
10-Prefix Error Codes¶
In this section
100-Prefix Error Codes¶
Error Code |
Error Description |
1000001 |
Invalid Carrier |
1000002 |
Invalid value for Accept-Language in http header, ex: en-US. |
No Tracking data available for the referenceNumber |
1000003 |
Invalid reference number |
1000004 |
Invalid clientId |
1000005 |
Internal server error |
1000007 |
Invalid/missing partner id in the request header |
1000011 |
Invalid or unsupported value for carrier. |
1000032 |
Authentication error occurred. |
1000033 |
Unauthorized API Access for given credentials. |
1000042 |
Invalid value for rateTypeId. |
1000043 |
Invalid or missing DimensionUOM value. |
1000045 |
Invalid or missing value for ___ |
1000046 |
Invalid shipmentOptions. |
1000049 |
Invalid elements in document. |
1000050 |
Invalid JSON Structure. |
1000051 |
Invalid Carrier Authentication Detail. |
1000052 |
Invalid use of rate plan in request header |
1000053 |
Missing required rate plan in request header |
1000054 |
Invalid/missing X-PB-Integrator-CarrierId in the request header |
1000500 |
System error from ___ |
Please look at the additionalInfo field included in the response for the reason why this transaction is failing. |
1000502 |
Unparsed address lines cannot exceed 12 lines. |
1000503 |
Invalid senderUserId ___ |
1000504 |
More than one rate object under shipment is not allowed |
1000505 |
Country Code must be 2 letters. |
1000506 |
Invalid or missing Shipment Option. |
1000510 |
Invalid Shipment Option with documentType ___ |
1000511 |
Invalid documentType for ___ shipment |
1001181 |
Unsupported Document Type |
1001320 |
System error from ___ |
1005001 |
The address is invalid. |
1005002 |
The consignee information is invalid. |
1005003 |
The COP transportation information is invalid. |
1005004 |
The requested return currency is invalid. |
1005005 |
The request currency is not supported for the target country. |
1005006 |
The order cannot be shipped by the method selected. |
1005007 |
The order value has exceeded the allowed value. |
1005010 |
There are errors at the Quote Line Level |
1005011 |
There are errors at the Quote Item Level |
1005013 |
The address has missing fields |
1005014 |
Missing fields in basket |
1005015 |
Invalid fields in basket |
1005016 |
The consignee information is missing |
1005017 |
The COP transportation information is missing |
1005018 |
Shipping Speed or service unavailable |
1005019 |
Missing Basket |
1005020 |
Missing Parcel Fields |
1005021 |
Missing fields in the basket commodity source |
1005022 |
Seller has missing fields |
1005023 |
Seller has invalid fields |
1005103 |
Invalid/Missing User Id. |
1005555 |
___ is not responding at this moment. Please try again later |
1006001 |
The commodity is invalid |
1006002 |
The commodity is too large to ship (length, width or height) |
1006004 |
The commodity has a negative price |
1006005 |
The commodity’s price was too low and did not have a dutiable value. |
1006006 |
The item price exceeds maximum |
1006007 |
Item weight exceeds maximum |
1006009 |
The Commodity is restricted for this Country of Destination |
1006010 |
Commodity cannot be quoted. |
1006012 |
Categories associated with the commodity are not available for quoting |
1006013 |
Categories associated with the commodity are restricted for this country of destination |
1006014 |
Category associated with commodity is invalid |
1007001 |
Order value exceeded on this line |
1007003 |
The quantity is invalid or missing |
1007006 |
Missing fields in basket line |
1007007 |
Invalid fields in basket line |
1007123 |
Invalid/Missing Password. |
1009997 |
Invalid JSON structure under ___. |
1009998 |
Invalid value for ___ |
1009999 |
A system error occurred, try again later. If the error persists, please contact the service provider. |
101-Prefix Error Codes¶
Error Code |
Error Description |
1010101 |
Either Invalid or missing street or stateProvince or postalcode for fromAddress Address |
1010301 |
Missing delivery line data ___ |
1010314 |
Too many empty fields ___ |
1010990 |
Invalid or missing value for countryCode |
1012003 |
Company field cannot exceed ___ characters ___ |
1012010 |
email field cannot exceed ___ characters ___ |
1012012 |
Invalid/missing cityTown ___ |
1012013 |
CityTown field cannot exceed ___ characters ___ |
1012014 |
Invalid/missing stateProvince ___ |
1012015 |
Invalid stateProvince field value. stateProvince field length has to be ___ characters ___ |
1012016 |
Invalid/missing postalCode ___ |
1012020 |
Only 3 address delivery lines are allowed ___ |
1012021 |
Invalid/missing addressDeliveryLine1 ___ |
1012022 |
AddressLines field cannot exceed ___ characters ___ |
1012025 |
Combined length of all name fields cannot exceed 254 characters |
1012038 |
Either companyName or name fields are mandatory |
1012049 |
Provide at least one addressLine ___ |
1012052 |
Invalid/Missing value for Company Name ___. |
1012053 |
Invalid/Missing value for Name ___. |
1019000 |
Invalid address provided. |
1019002 |
Invalid or missing value for countryCode. |
1019003 |
Either Invalid or missing street or stateProvince or postalcode. |
1019999 |
A system error occurred, try again later. If the error persists, please contact the service provider. |
102-Prefix Error Codes¶
Error Code |
Error Description |
1021000 |
Invalid Future Shipment Date. |
1021001 |
No rating rules found for provided combination. |
1021003 |
Invalid/unsupported ___ countryCode |
1021004 |
Invalid Shipment date |
1021012 |
Invalid/missing Origin City |
1021013 |
Invalid/missing Destination City |
1021101 |
Invalid/missing destination country |
1021103 |
Service Id ___ is invalid. |
1021105 |
Invalid/missing weight. |
1021107 |
Length is greater than maximum allowed. |
1021108 |
Length is less than minimum allowed. |
1021109 |
Width is greater than maximum allowed. |
1021110 |
Width is less than minimum allowed. |
1021111 |
Height is greater than maximum allowed. |
1021112 |
Height is less than minimum allowed. |
1021115 |
Length must be longer than the height. |
1021116 |
Length must be longer than the width. |
1021117 |
Weight is greater than the maximum for the service. |
1021118 |
Weight is less than the minimum for the service. |
1021119 |
Invalid special service ___ selected. |
1021120 |
Special service ___ is unsupported for the service. |
1021121 |
Special service ___ requires an input value. |
1021122 |
Special service ___ has an input value greater than the maximum for the special service. |
1021123 |
Special service ___ has an input value less than the minimum for the special service. |
1021126 |
Invalid/missing Postal Code for the ___. |
1021127 |
Provide a postal code that is of the correct format for the ___. |
1021128 |
WeightUOM is invalid, it must be either grams or hundredthsofanounce |
1021129 |
WeightUOM ___ is invalid for the selected carrier |
1021131 |
Dimension UOM ___ is invalid for the selected carrier |
1021132 |
Invalid Dimensions. |
1021133 |
ServiceId and specialService combination is not supported |
1021134 |
Invalid or missing value for weight. |
1021135 |
Length must be a properly formatted positive number. |
1021136 |
Width must be a properly formatted positive number. |
1021137 |
Height must be a properly formatted positive number. |
1021138 |
Special Service input value must be a properly formatted positive number. |
1021141 |
Invalid combination of Service Id and Parcel type. |
1021142 |
Military parcelType to a non military destination is not allowed. |
1021145 |
___ phoneNumber Required |
1021150 |
Missing or Invalid Return Receipt Number |
1021151 |
Requested Dimensions outside the allowed limits. ___, ___, ___ |
1021153 |
Missing or Invalid Email address for Inbound Transaction |
1021154 |
Missing or Invalid Phone number for Inbound Transaction |
1021155 |
Missing Name or Company Name for Inbound Transaction |
1021156 |
Special Service ___ additional data ___ must match the regular expression ___. |
1021165 |
Special Service ___ additional data ___ must be a properly formed numeric value. |
1021201 |
Not more than one package is allowed for USPS |
1021203 |
Invalid value for ServiceId |
1021205 |
Invalid value for parcelType. |
1021210 |
___ address is required |
1021211 |
Duplicate special services not allowed. |
1021239 |
rateTypeId ___ is invalid |
1021240 |
Shipment direction is invalid |
1021241 |
Invalid combination of Service Id, Option ID and Rate Type ID |
1021250 |
Invalid Integrator Rate Plan |
1021251 |
Invalid Shipper Rate Plan |
1021311 |
Invalid Origin/Destination Pair. |
1021312 |
Shipper is not eligible for ___ |
1021313 |
Invalid/missing value for ___ |
1021314 |
ServiceId ___ is unsupported ___. |
1021315 |
Mutually exclusive special services present in request. |
1021316 |
___ is not allowed. |
1021317 |
Special Service requires another special service as a pre-requisite. |
1021318 |
___ is not able to serve the request. Please try again later. |
1021319 |
___ does not match with ___ |
1021330 |
A Certified Mail label tracking number sent in the request is not supported. |
1021331 |
Electronic Return Receipt (ERR) is required when a Certified Mail label tracking number is sent in the request |
1021332 |
Document type SPECIAL_SERVICE_TRACKING_BARCODE must be sent in the request |
1021351 |
___ Option Value is Invalid (true/false) is expected. |
1022001 |
Invalid weight for ___, ___, ___ |
1022002 |
Invalid length for ___, ___, ___ |
1022003 |
Invalid width for ___, ___, ___ |
1022004 |
Invalid height for ___, ___, ___ |
1022005 |
Invalid special service value for ___, ___, ___ |
1022006 |
Invalid or unsupported special service for ___, ___, ___ |
1022007 |
Dimensions required for ___, ___, ___ |
1022008 |
Invalid unit of measure for ___, ___, ___ |
1022010 |
Dimensions greater than Max Length + Girth |
1022021 |
Invalid/missing ___ countryCode. |
1022022 |
Invalid/missing ___ postalCode. |
1022023 |
There are no services and parcel types that include all the special services requested. |
1022024 |
Special Service ___ requires a prerequisite of one of the following: (___) or associated prerequisite value is too small. |
1022025 |
Special Service ___ is incompatible with ___ |
1022026 |
The Service or at least one of the included special services must be trackable. |
1022028 |
Special service ___ is incompatible with endorsement ___ |
1022029 |
No Service Name, Service option, Rate Type combination found that matches the shopping request. |
1025945 |
Invalid Destination |
1025961 |
Invalid Origin Postal Code |
1025982 |
Invalid Destination Postal Code |
1026007 |
No price found for the package weight or dimensions |
1026022 |
No Integrator Effective Date |
1026025 |
No Mailer ID For Plan |
1026027 |
No Integrator Rate Plan |
1026030 |
___ is not associated with the ___ in the ___ carrier side |
1029005 |
Invalid value for Girth (the sum of twice the width and twice the height). |
1029999 |
A system error occurred, try again later. If the error persists, please contact the service provider. |
103-Prefix Error Code¶
Error Code |
Error Description |
1039999 |
A system error occurred, try again later. If the error persists, please contact the service provider. |
104-Prefix Error Codes¶
Error Code |
Error Description |
1040153 |
Requested Debit Amount Exceeds Debit Limit |
1040198 |
Exception while creating debit certificate |
1040154 |
Requested Debit Amount Below Debit Minimum |
1040205 |
Requested Pool has funding issue |
1049999 |
A system error occurred, try again later. If the error persists, please contact the service provider. |
105-Prefix Error Codes¶
Error Code |
Error Description |
1050001 |
Invalid label paper size |
1050003 |
Invalid label file output format. |
1050019 |
Invalid Scanform/Manifest labelPaperSize. |
1050039 |
Partner Rules Configuration is not found in database |
1050051 |
ShipmentOptions/PrintCusomMessage1 length should be less than 51 characters. |
1050072 |
AddressLine length of ___ cannot exceed 40 characters |
1050073 |
Combined length of addressLine1, addressLine2 or addressLine3 of ___ cannot exceed 40 characters |
1050075 |
Combined length of cityTown, stateProvince,postalCode and zip4 of ___ cannot exceed 40 characters |
1050076 |
Combined length of cityTown, stateProvince and postalCode of ___ cannot exceed 40 characters |
1050081 |
Invalid label file output format for given paper size |
1050082 |
Invalid data stream flag for label file output format |
1050083 |
A mailing with a line item total value or Insured value exceeding $400 must be mailed using Priority Mail Express International service, or Priority Mail International service. |
1050085 |
Invalid Resolution value for Inbound shipment |
1051151 |
Invalid or unsupported APO/FPO/DPO address are provided for return services. |
1051153 |
Invalid or unsupported DocTab key/Value field |
1051157 |
Invalid Request: Duplicate document type |
1051158 |
Origin/destination invalid for label broker. |
1051159 |
Multi-page shipping labels invalid for label broker. |
1051160 |
Invalid Request: Invalid document type combination |
1059999 |
A system error occurred, try again later. If the error persists, please contact the service provider. |
107-Prefix Error Codes¶
Error Code |
Error Description |
1070001 |
Cancelshipment time limit has passed. |
1070003 |
Cancelshipment already initiated. |
1070004 |
Original Transaction not found |
1070010 |
Invalid CancelInitiator. Cancel Initiator can be shipper or partner only. |
1070011 |
Refund can not be initiated for inbound |
1070013 |
Refund Initiator cannot be used for non-trackable mail class. |
1070014 |
ShipmentId or Tracking Number could not be found. |
1070017 |
CancelShipment cannot be voided. |
1070019 |
The Pickup Request is invalid. |
1070026 |
Cancelindicium already initiated. |
1070027 |
CancelIndicium can not be initiated for non trackable Indicia |
1079999 |
A system error occurred, try again later. If the error persists, please contact the service provider. |
109-Prefix Error Codes¶
Error Code |
Error Description |
1090001 |
Original Transaction not found. |
1090002 |
Postage Rating details not found |
1090006 |
Time limit has passed. |
1090007 |
Max number of attempts already reached. |
1090011 |
Cancelshipment already initiated. You cannot perform retry/reprint. |
1091316 |
Stamps reprint is not allowed for CPC
1099999 |
A system error occurred, try again later. If the error persists, please contact the service provider. |
11-Prefix Error Codes¶
In this section
110-Prefix Error Codes¶
Error Code |
Error Description |
1100232 |
Sender Company is invalid |
1100594 |
Receiver Postal Code is invalid |
1100642 |
Type of Special Handling option is not available for shipment |
1101001 |
Must have exactly one CustomsInfo block. |
1101002 |
customsItems cannot be more than the expected. |
1101003 |
Must have less than thirty one shipping content blocks. |
1101009 |
Invalid quantity for a Line Item. |
1101010 |
UnitPrice for an individual shipping item must be a properly formatted positive number. |
1101013 |
CutomsItems must have a description. |
1101015 |
The country of origin must be a valid 2 character countryCode |
1101019 |
Invalid unit of measurement for weight/customsItems. |
1101022 |
reasonForExportExplanation must be used when reasonForExport is set to OTHER. |
1101021 |
The reasonForExport / customsInfo must exist. |
1101023 |
Reason for export / content type must be of this valid set: gift, … |
1101025 |
Invalid value for InsuredAmount. |
1101031 |
EELPFC has an invalid format, it must contain a proper AES Number, AESDOWN with valid information, or an appropriate Federal Trade Regulation Number. |
1101032 |
reasonForExportExplanation must be used when reasonForExport is set to OTHER. |
1101051 |
Quantity for an individual shipping item must be a properly formatted positive number. |
1101052 |
Price for an individual shipping item must be a properly formatted positive number. |
1101053 |
Invalid price for a Line Item. |
1101055 |
Shipping Item must have a Description. |
1101056 |
Description for a shipping Item must be greater than or equal to 3 characters long |
1101057 |
Description for a shipping Item must be less than or equal to ___ characters long |
1101058 |
Invalid Country of Origin for a Line item. |
1101060 |
Invalid weight for a Line item. |
1101080 |
Must have a ___ address. |
1101081 |
Company or Name is required. |
1101083 |
At least one address line must exist, but no more than 3. |
1101086 |
Quantity may not be greater than 9999 |
1101201 |
Customs Declared Value amount must be a properly formatted value greater than 0. |
1101202 |
Invalid value for CustomsInfo/SDR. |
1101203 |
Invalid Currency Code. |
1101204 |
Currency Code Must Exist. |
1101205 |
Sum of the weight of the contents is greater than the package weight. |
1101206 |
The USPS does not allow shipping non-documents to APO/FPO/DPO destinations with FLAT (Large Envelope) parcel shipping labels. |
1101210 |
Reason for export is prohibited. |
1101211 |
Customs Declared Value or Total Line Item value is to high and prohibited |
1101212 |
Total Line Item Price can not be greater than the Customs declared value. |
1101313 |
Invalid/missing value for ___ |
1101314 |
Usage of the Reason For Export: DANGEROUS_GOODS and a hazardous materials special service must be used together. |
111-Prefix Error Codes¶
Error Code |
Error Description |
1110001 |
Duplicate parceltrackingnumber in request. |
1110002 |
Invalid submissiondate. |
1110004 |
ManifestId doesn’t exist. |
1110007 |
Cancel shipment for one of the package is already initiated. |
1110008 |
Mismatch in dateOfShipment for original transaction |
1110009 |
Manifest is already created for one or more given parceltrackingnumber. |
1110011 |
Invalid parcelTrackingNumber in request. |
1110013 |
Manifest time limit has passed. |
1110014 |
Invalid Submission date format. Format must be yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS or yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss . |
1110015 |
Parceltrackingnumbers passed in request are more than allowed limit. |
1110016 |
PackageId cannot be null |
1110017 |
Invalid Shipment(s) to Manifest. |
1110018 |
Manifest cannot be created |
1110019 |
No shipments are available to create a scanform/manifest document |
1110020 |
Invalid shipperid. |
1110021 |
Total number of origin postal codes for the requested packages exceeds the allowed limit. |
1110025 |
Invalid or missing manifestParameters/CLIENT_ID |
1119999 |
A system error occurred, try again later. If the error persists, please contact the service provider. |
112-Prefix Error Codes¶
Error Code |
Error Description |
1120006 |
___ Time limit has been passed. |
1120007 |
Max ___ requests ___ have already been reached. |
1129999 |
A system error occurred, try again later. If the error persists, please contact the service provider. |
113-Prefix Error Codes¶
Error Code |
Error Description |
1130001 |
Dispense with given transactionid and transactiondatetime already exists. |
1130002 |
X-PB-TransactionId already exists. |
1130004 |
Transaction(s) not found |
1130005 |
Scanform with given transactionid already exists. |
115-Prefix Error Codes¶
Error Code |
Error Description |
1150001 |
Invalid field value related to Payment. |
1150002 |
Authentication error from ledger API. |
1150003 |
Account is not having sufficient funds. |
1150005 |
Internal Error from ledger API |
1159999 |
A system error occurred, try again later. If the error persists, please contact the service provider. |
116-Prefix Error Codes¶
Error Code |
Error Description |
1169999 |
Error from client - Server error from carrier |
117-Prefix Error Codes¶
Error Code |
Error Description |
1170001 |
Invalid ServiceId, Parceltype or specialService |
SOLUTION for serviceId, parcelType
1171048 |
Invalid length for ___ in the http header |
1171049 |
___ should be numeric type only |
1171050 |
irregularParcelGirth is required. |
1171051 |
Maximum of ___ references are allowed. |
1171052 |
Invalid/missing value for references |
1171053 |
Value for PERMIT_NUMBER cannot exceed ___ characters. |
1171054 |
1171055 |
Maximum ___ CustomItems are supported. |
1171056 |
Authentication error from carrier. |
1171157 |
Shipment cannot be cancelled |
1179999 |
A system error occurred, try again later. If the error persists, please contact the service provider. |
12-Prefix Error Codes¶
Error Code |
Error Description |
1200009 |
Value for ___ cannot exceed ___ characters |
1200013 |
Invalid Account Number |
1200014 |
Postal code and Province/State or Country code in the address is incorrect or not associated with the account number in the carrier’s records |
1200015 |
Requested shipper account authorization failed |
1200016 |
Carrier tool/API access has not been provided |
1200017 |
Account is not added to the user profile because invoice information is not present |
1200019 |
Valid address ___ must be provided |
1200020 |
Invalid value for ___ in ___ address |
1209999 |
A system error occurred, try again later. If the error persists, please contact the service provider. |
1259999 |
Internal server error |
1280001 |
Invalid value for stampOptions/___ |
1280002 |
Insufficient funds available |
1280051 |
Authentication Error occurred |
1281313 |
Invalid or missing value |
1289998 |
System error from NGP |
1289999 |
CreateStamp API Internal Error |
13-Prefix Error Codes¶
Error Code |
Error Description |
1300000 |
System error. |
1300002 |
The field is null or empty string. |
1300003 |
Invalid value. |
1300004 |
String value exceeds the maximum supported length. |
1300005 |
Address is restricted |
1300006 |
Insufficient account balance. |
1300007 |
The merchant account’s status is wrong for the API call |
1300008 |
Country is not supported. |
1300010 |
Restricted item. |
1300011 |
The shipment dimension exceeds the limits for selected service. |
1300012 |
The shipment weight exceeds the limits for selected service. |
1300013 |
The shipment value exceeds the limits for selected service. |
1300014 |
Restricted zone or PO Box. |
1300020 |
Shipment cannot be created at this time. Please try again later by calling retry shipment method using the same transaction id |
1300021 |
Shipment cannot be created at this time. A label was not created and no charge had been applied. Please try again later by calling create shipment again. |
1300022 |
Shipment cannot be created |
1300023 |
PB does not support the destination address. Please verify the address and try again later. |
1310000 |
System error |
1310002 |
Invalid or missing value |
1310003 |
Carrier System Error |
1310004 |
VoidLabel Failed |
1310005 |
Invalid parcelTrackingNumber-CarrierFacilityId in request. |
1310006 |
Voided parcelTrackingNumber in request. |
1310007 |
Document Generation Error. Please use Reprint API to generate the artifacts. |
40-Prefix Error Codes (8 Digits)¶
Error Code |
Error Description |
40000011 |
Missing value for hostUri |
40000012 |
Invalid value for hostUri |
40000021 |
Invalid value for styleSheet |
40000031 |
Invalid value for postMethod |
40000041 |
Invalid JSON structure for userInfo. |
40000042 |
Missing userInfo. |
40000051 |
Invalid value for email |
40000052 |
Missing value for email. |
40000061 |
Invalid value for developerId. Max 8 numeric characters are allowed. |
40000071 |
Missing value for renderType. |
40000072 |
Invalid value for renderType. |
40000081 |
Invalid value for paymentAccountNumber. For e.g. PYPL123456. |
40000091 |
Enter valid firstName. Max 50 characters are allowed. |
40000101 |
Enter valid lastName. Max 50 characters are allowed. |
40000111 |
Enter valid company. Max 100 characters are allowed. |
40000112 |
Missing value for company. |
40000121 |
Enter valid phone. Max 20 characters are allowed. |
40000122 |
Missing value for phone. |
40000131 |
Invalid JSON structure for address in userInfo. |
40000132 |
Missing address. |
40000141 |
Address line 1 is required. |
40000151 |
Enter valid city. Max 50 characters are allowed. |
40000152 |
Missing value for city. |
40000161 |
Enter valid state. Max 50 characters are allowed. |
40000162 |
Missing value for state. |
40000171 |
Enter valid postalCode. |
40000172 |
Missing value for postalCode. |
40000181 |
Enter valid countryCode. Max 2 characters are allowed. |
40000182 |
Missing value for countryCode. |
40000191 |
Either userInfo.shipperId or paymentAccountNumber or (developerId and should be present in case of update. |
40000201 |
Invalid value for returnUrl. |
40000212 |
Unable to get payment account number from provided email id and developer id. |
40000213 |
Missing value for fedTaxId. |
40000300 |
Either paymentAccountNumber or shipperId is required. |
40000302 |
Valid payment account number is not found against provided shipper ID. |
40000304 |
Invalid value for shipperId. Max 10 numeric characters are allowed. |
40100001 |
Unauthorized access. |
40100002 |
Unauthorized access. Invalid access token. |
40100003 |
Unauthorized access. Access token is expended. |
40100004 |
Token has expired. |
40100005 |
Invalid access token. |
50-Prefix Error Codes (8 Digits)¶
Error Code |
Error Description |
50000001 |
Error has occurred while accessing system storage. |
50000005 |
Error has occurred while processing your request. |
50000006 |
Error has occurred while fetching user information by using email id and developer id |
50000007 |
Error has occurred while requesting remote services. |
50000008 |
Request timed out while requesting remote services. |
50000009 |
Connection refused while requesting remote services. |
50000021 |
Something went wrong while processing Credit Card Payment. |
70-Prefix Error Codes (Retrieve HS Code API)¶
The following errors are returned by the Retrieve HS Code API:
Error Code |
Error Description |
7001004 |
Required field value(s) are missing from the input record |
7001005 |
Invalid Value. |
7001012 |
Value exceeds supported maximum length |
7002001 |
Error while classifying commodity. |
7002002 |
The prediction services are not configured to classify for this merchant |
7002009 |
The prediction services are not configured to classify for this category |
Error Code |
Error Description |
PB-APIM-ERR-0001 |
Email address is already used |
PB-APIM-ERR-0022 |
Invalid Subscription ID |
PB-APIM-ERR-0045 |
Invalid limit specified. Could not validate as a number |
PB-APIM-ERR-0046 |
Invalid sortby param specified. |
PB-APIM-ERR-0051 |
Invalid select metric |
PB-APIM-ERR-0200 |
App with the given applicationId does not exist |
PB-APIM-ERR-0201 |
Invalid clientID for the given App |
PB-APIM-ERR-0202 |
Product with id ___ does not exist |
PB-APIM-ERR-0203 |
One or more ApiProduct is invalid |
PB-APIM-ERR-0311 |
User already active on the given rate plan |
PB-APIM-ERR-0312 |
User with id ___ does not exist in ___ organization |
PB-APIM-ERR-0313 |
User already active on a rate plan which provides access to API Products that overlap with the products available from the requested rate plan |
PB-APIM-ERR-0319 |
RatePlan with id ___ does not exist in ___ organization |
PB-APIM-ERR-0401 |
Invalid client ID or secret |
PB-APIM-ERR-0402 |
Invalid Subscription Id |
PB-APIM-ERR-0403 |
Developer App is not enriched with DOMAIN_INFO |
Developer App is not enriched with METER_POOL |
Invalid ProductId Attribute value |
User exceeded configured monetization limits |
PB-APIM-ERR-0404 |
User not allowed to access the requested resource |
PB-APIM-ERR-1000 |
Internal Error Occurred |
User not allowed to access the requested resource |
GCS Domain Info: Invalid JSON |
PB-APIM-ERR-1002 |
Invalid Access Token |
PB-APIM-ERR-1003 |
Access Token Expired |
Reissue the OAuth Token API |
PB-APIM-ERR-1004 |
Invalid API Call |
PB-APIM-ERR-1005 |
Invalid or Missing Client Credentials |
PB-APIM-ERR-1006 |
Spike arrest violation |
X-PB-IntegratorId Not Found |
PB-APIM-ERR-1008 |
Failed to receive response from backend in a timely manner. Waited for ___ seconds. |
PB-APIM-ERR-1009 |
Invalid/missing API key |
PB-APIM-ERR-1010 |
The Service is temporarily unavailable |
PB-APIM-ERR-1404 |
Invalid or missing resource |
PB-APIM-ERR-1500 |
Quota limit exceeded. |
SOLUTION: Contact and ask that your limit be reset for the day. |
PB-APIM-ERR-3001 |
Product with ID: ___ does not exist |
PB-APIM-ERR-3002 |
Plan Id is invalid or given plan is inactive |
PB-APIM-ERR-3003 |
Invalid enterprise id |
PB-APIM-ERR-3006 |
no data found |
PB-APIM-ERR-3007 |
authentication error |
PB-APIM-ERR-3008 |
Subscription Id is invalid |
PB-APIM-ERR-3009 |
Please enter dates in valid format |
PB-APIM-ERR-3010 |
Account does not exist |
PB-APIM-ERR-3011 |
Invalid Enterprise Id or Subscription Id |
PB-APIM-ERR-3012 |
Invalid showServices value |
PB-APIM-ERR-3013 |
Start date cannot be in future |
PB-APIM-ERR-3014 |
End Date query parameter is missing |
PB-APIM-ERR-3015 |
End Date cannot be older than Start Date |
PB-APIM-ERR-3016 |
Invalid start date query parameter value |
PB-APIM-ERR-3017 |
Invalid end date query parameter value |
PB-APIM-ERR-3018 |
Client Record Id is required for all usage records. |
PB-APIM-ERR-4001 |
X-PB-TransactionId Length cannot be greater than 25 chars |
Request is invalid |
PB-APIM-ERR-4002 |
X-PB-TransactionId is missing |
PB-APIM-ERR-5010 |
Content-type header is mandatory in request. |
PB-APIM-ERR-5011 |
Invalid content-type header. Allowed value is ___. |
PB-APIM-ERR-5012 |
Invalid content-type header. Allowed value is ___. |
PB-APIM-ERR-5013 |
Invalid content-type header. Allowed value is ___. |
PB-APIM-ERR-5014 |
Address batch size should be more than 0. |
PB-APIM-ERR-5015 |
Transaction batch size should not be more than 25. |
PB-APIM-ERR-5023 |
Content length should not be more than 50 kb. |
PB-APIM-ERR-5024 |
Batch size should not be more than 1. |
PB-APIM-ERR-9001 |
Missing payment key value |
PB-APIM-ERR-9003 |
Email address is missing |
PB-APIM-ERR-9004 |
User has tried maximum attempt of invalid login hence user is locked out. Please contact administrator to unlock your account. |
PB-APIM-ERR-9005 |
Source can be only Payment/PAYMENT |
Error Code |
Error Description |
Input parameter packageIdentifierType is missing |
Input parameter carrier is missing |
Partner ID is invalid |
Password is invalid. |
Invalid PartnerTransactionID |
Invalid WS Version Number |
Invalid PartnerTransaction Date Provided |
Internal Error |
Partner does not have access to the method |
Carrier Tracking Service is not available at the moment. Please try after some time. |
Invalid PackageIdentifier provided |
Invalid Package Identifier Type Provided |
Invalid ShipDateRangeBegin provided |
Invalid ShipDateRangeEnd provided |
Invalid Carrier provided |
Invalid DestinationCountryCode provided |
Carrier Internal Error |
Invalid Carrier Account Number |
Invalid Carrier Name Provided |
This tracking number does not exist in the carrier site |
No Information present in carrier site for this tracking number. |
New Package Status found |
New Service Code Found |
Invalid Account Number Provided |
Invalid Package Identifier Provided |
Details not found |
Invalid Package Identifier Provided |
Request Logging Failed |
Request Logging Failed |
Internal Database Error |
Error in Request Validation |
Error in forming the Request |
Error in forming the Response |
SAAS Errors¶
Error Code |
Error Description |
SAAS-ERR-510 |
Subscription already exists for the user |
Initial postage cannot be triggered, merchant status is SUSPENDED |
SAAS-MR-ERR-2001 |
Address Line cannot be PO Box. |
SAAS-MR-ERR-2011 |
Invalid phone number. |
SAAS-MR-ERR-2012 |
Invalid email address. |
Lowercase Error Codes¶
Error Code |
More Info |
access.denied |
address.not.verified |
bad.input |
bad.request |
constraint.violation |
data.integrity.violation |
database.error |
error.http |
error.unknown |
insufficient.balance |
internal.misconfiguration |
internal.server.error |
This indicates a system has error occurred. If the error persists, contact support. |
invalid.account.number |
invalid.address |
| |
If received for transaction reports, see this explanation of the date parameters. |
invalid.developer |
invalid.merchant |
This might indicate a required field is missing when updating merchant information. |
invalid.merchant.status |
invalid.payment.method |
invalid.request |
invalid.request.field |
missing.request.body |
| |
| |
not.authenticated |
not.found |
resource.not.found |
SOLUTION for “no unique matching mailer found”
| |
unauthorized.transaction |
unknown.developer |
unknown.error |
If the error persists, contact support. |
unregistered.merchant |
upstream.failure |
This indicates a system error has occurred. If the error persists, contact support. |
upstream.resource.unavailable |
validation.failed |