Create a Manifest for PMOD Shipments

HTTP Request

POST /v1/manifests


This operation creates a PS Form 3152 to list PMOD shipments. The shipments must be requested by the same shipper on the same day and inducted at the same ZIP code or origin entry facility.


  1. All shipments with rates.serviceId field set to PMOD are eligible for inclusion in the manifest. Such shipments are considered to have the ADD_TO_MANIFEST shipment option enabled, no matter how the option is explicitly set. Setting the option to false has no effect. The API still considers the option to be enabled.

  2. A shipment is eligible for inclusion both on and before its shipment date.

  3. If an eligible shipment is not included in a manifest request within 24 hours of the specified shipment date, it is automatically manifested.

  4. Up to 7000 shipments can be included in a single manifest request.

  5. Shipments, once manifested, cannot be re-manifested.

  6. When creating the manifest, set the MANIFEST_TYPE to PMOD, as shown in the sample request at the end of this page.

  7. You can add shipments to the manifest by specifying Shipper ID, tracking numbers, or both:

    • If you specify Shipper ID, the form will include all eligible shipments created with that Shipper ID. To specify Shipper ID, add the SHIPPER_ID parameter to the parameters array.

    • If you specify tracking numbers, the form will include all eligible shipments with those tracking numbers. Specify tracking numbers in the parcelTrackingNumbers array.

    Note: If you specify both Shipper ID and tracking numbers, ensure the tracking numbers belong to the Shipper ID or the API will return an error.

  8. You can filter further by specifying an inductionPostalCode. When specified, the inductionPostalCode value in the manifest request must match the rates.inductionPostalCode value of the shipment. If a shipment has no rates.inductionPostalCode, the value in the manifest request must match the shipment’s fromAddress.postalCode.

  9. If a manifest request contains shipments with different inductionPostalCode values, then a multi-page manifest is created, with one inductionPostalCode value per page. The pages are accessed via a single PDF.

    For example, the operation will create multiple forms if the list of matching PMOD labels spans multiple induction ZIP codes or multiple origin entry facilities.

  10. Manifest documents retrieved through URLs are available for 24 hours after creation.

Request URLs


Request Headers




Required. OAuth token generated using the Generate an OAuth Token API.


Required. The media type of the request entity. Set this to application/json.


Required. A unique identifier for the transaction, up to 25 characters. The following characters are allowed: letters, numbers, hyphens (-), and underscores (_).

Important: Ensure this is a unique ID.


Recommended. Set this to true to use the standard error object if an error occurs.

Request / Response Elements

Required fields are marked Required. All other fields are optional, except fields marked RESPONSE ONLY, which appear only in the response.


Data Type




Required. Set to: USPS



Required. The date the shipments are to be tendered to the carrier, entered as YYYY-MM-DD.


Address Object

Required. The shipment origin address. The following address fields are required in this object:

  • addressLines

  • postalCode

  • countryCode



Postal code where the shipments are tendered to the carrier.



Identifies shipments by their tracking numbers. List one or more tracking numbers, separated by commas. Enter each tracking number as a separate String.



Required. Each object in the array defines a different manifest parameter. This field is used only in the request and is not returned in the response.

You must include the MANIFEST_TYPE parameter. Set the parameter to PMOD, as shown in the sample request.

You can optionally include the SHIPPER_ID parameter. The SHIPPER_ID parameter adds shipments by Shipper ID. For the parameter value, specify the Shipper ID that was used to create the shipments you want to add.


The name of the manifest parameter.



The value of the manifest parameter.



RESPONSE ONLY. The unique manifest ID.



RESPONSE ONLY. The manifest tracking number.


Array[Documents Object]

RESPONSE ONLY. The manifest.

Sample Request

curl -X POST ".../v1/manifests" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <oauth_token>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-PB-TransactionId: <unique_transaction_id>" \
-H "X-PB-UnifiedErrorStructure: true" \
-d '
    "carrier": "USPS",
    "submissionDate": "2020-08-14",
    "fromAddress": {
        "company": "Supplies",
        "name": "John Smith",
        "phone": "203-555-0000",
        "email": "",
        "residential": "false",
        "addressLines": [
            "27 Waterview Dr"
        "cityTown": "Shelton",
        "stateProvince": "CT",
        "postalCode": "06484",
        "countryCode": "US"
    "parameters": [ {
        "name": "SHIPPER_ID",
        "value": "9024324564"
        "name": "MANIFEST_TYPE",
        "value": "PMOD"
    } ]

Error Codes

For a list of all error codes returned by the PB Shipping APIs, please see Error Codes.