Error 1022026ΒΆ

    "errorCode": "1022026",
    "errorDescription": "The Service or at least one of the included special services must be trackable.",
    "additionalInfo": "The Mail Service or at least one of the included special services must be trackable."

This error can occur if you have not included a trackable service in a USPS shipment. As a solution, add at least one trackable special service, such as Delivery Confirmation (DelCon). Delivery Confirmation is a no-charge special service that triggers tracking but does not increase the cost of the shipment. Before adding DelCon or any other special service, check its compatibility with the service.

To add the DelCon, include the following in the rates array when creating a shipment:

"specialServices": [ {
    "specialServiceId": "DelCon",
    "inputParameters": [ {
        "name": "INPUT_VALUE",
        "value": "0"
    } ]
} ]

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