PB Expedited Returns FAQs

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How do I set up my account to print Expedited Returns labels?

Expedited Returns are enabled by default. No special activation is required.

Can I use discounted rates when printing an Expedited Returns label?

Yes. You can specify a shipper’s discounted rates in the X-PB-Shipper-Rate-Plan header or specify an NSA in the X-PB-Integrator-CarrierId header.

How do I know if an Expedited Returns label has been used?

To view the status of an Expedited Returns label use the Transaction Reports API to retrieve the transactions that have occurred for the label. For a given transaction, the status field displays one of the following:

  • Printed - The label has been created.

  • Charged - The label has been used for a return.

If the label has multiple transactions, the label’s current status is found in the transaction with the most recent timestamp.

How do I know the final cost of an Expedited Returns label?

After a label is used, the Transaction Reports API returns the actual amount charged.

How is the charge for an Expedited Returns label calculated?

The charge for an Expedited Returns label is calculated based on the scan information (zone, weight, and dimensions) received from USPS. Pitney Bowes does not charge a fee beyond the postage amount of the Expedited Returns label.

Note that when you print an Expedited Returns label, the proposed cost is calculated based on the zone, weight, and dimensions specified in the API request. When the label is used, the actual cost is based on the zone, weight, and dimensions measured by USPS.

Do Expedited Returns labels incur charges other than postage?

Pitney Bowes does not charge a fee beyond the postage.

Can an Expedited Returns label use cubic pricing?

Yes, cubic rates apply to Expedited Returns labels if the package qualifies.

How long is an Expedited Returns label valid?

An Expedited Returns label is valid for 90 days after it is printed.

How is an Expedited Returns label voided?

Expedited Returns labels cannot be voided. If a merchant closes an account and has outstanding Expedited Returns labels that have not been charged, Pitney Bowes waits a period of time before closing the customer’s account.